In the dynamic realm of viral trends and captivating dance challenges, TikTok stands as the unrivaled hub for attracting and engaging digital audiences. Boasting an...
In recent news, a 13-year-old Australian girl, Esra Haynes, was killed due to a social media challenge named “chroming.” This dangerous trend has gained more...
ShareChat – Short Video Platform ShareChat is an Indian social media short video app developed by Bangalore-based Mohalla Tech Pvt Ltd which helps to communicate...
Russia – Ukraine Crisis Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused global angst, putting the military superpowers of the world at odds formerly again, and potentially...
What is The Triller App? Triller is a free short-form video platform, available for Android and iOS. As with its competitors, users create video clips...
TikTok Radio Station TikTok planning to strengthen its connection with music trends through a new partnership with SiriusXM and Pandora that they created a ‘TikTok Radio’, a...
TikTok Anti Bullying Tool Feature Today, the world’s best short music video sharing social media app TikTok introduced an anti-bullying tool that allows creators to deal with...