
Meta Introduced A New Holiday Features in Facebook Messenger App

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Messenger’s New Holiday Features

Meta added some holiday-themed features to help get you in that festive mood in your Messenger and Instagram DMs. This includes suggested word effects, holiday AR effects, new Soundmojis, messenger kids Christmas Santa filters to cheer this holiday season. To check out these new features you need to have an updated version of the messenger app.

New AR Effect

Meta partnered with beauty guru Ashley Strong to create a new AR effect ‘sparkles and shiny snowflakes that appear from your eyes when you blink’. This effect will help you glow up your face on Messenger and Instagram video calls! 

“With this effect, you can magically freeze the screen – just open your mouth for a cold breath to start to appear and freeze the screen.”

This AR effect is not entirely sure if Christmas or Ice King from Game of Thrones, but it’s a new feature to enjoy.

Beauty AR Effect

To use this holiday AR effect, open your Messenger app or Instagram and start a video call, or simply open the Messenger camera to take a selfie. Click on the smiley face icon to see them in the “Effects” tab!

Sprinkle Your Messages with Holiday Magic

There are high chances that you’ll be sending lots of messages to your friends and family during Holidays. To spread cheer easier and more fun, Meta created suggested word effects in Messenger for wishing people a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa. Messenger apps also use emojis that go along with the greetings: ?, ?, and ?. You can also spark a flood of related emojis up the screen to give your message an extra themed kick.

Suggest Word Effects

‘Plan some seriously lit end-of-year parties’ with its latest New Year’s Eve chat theme for Messenger and Instagram DMs, which also comes with its own word effects: ? = Happy New Year, ? = 2022, and ?= Cheers.

Also, Read – Facebook Messenger Tips and Tricks


Soundmojis bring a new and unique dimension to your conversations and increase the usage of emojis. Visit your Messenger expressions tray, select the loudspeaker icon, and find the ? and ? emojis for a special holiday song surprise!

Holiday Soundemojis

Also, Read – Facebook Introducing Soundmojis on Messenger Chat for This World Emoji Day

Cash Gifts on Messenger

If you want to skip standing in long queues and out-of-stock shelves this holiday season? Messenger adds a Send cash gifts feature as built in the app itself. You can now send cash gifts to your loved ones with new holiday-themed backgrounds and gift wrap on Messenger using Facebook Pay on Android devices. If your friend sends you a cash gift, you’ll be notified on Messenger and Facebook with their message gift wrapped on the notification menu. 

To send a holiday cash gift, tap the $ icon in the Messenger composer area, enter a dollar amount, write a personalized message, and select a holiday-themed background or a gift wrap. This is a great last-minute gift that transfers immediately to bank accounts without any commission fees.

Messenger Holiday Cash Gift

Chat With Santa on Messenger Kids

In addition to this, Meta has also added a wide range of new holiday activities and features to Messenger Kids, including an option to chat with Santa (with the messages going to the parents), new virtual holiday games, and themed AR effects and artworks.

To activate the Santa experience, go to the Parent Dashboard, visit “Controls”, and tap “Santa Experience.” If you haven’t set up Messenger Kids for your child yet, you’ll be redirected to do. Keep in mind, only the parent who created the Messenger Kids account can activate, control and use the Santa experience with their child.

Happy Holidays 2021

Holidays are the perfect time to hang out with the people who care and love you most. Whether you’re able to do this in person or have to spend time virtually, Meta’s holiday features will help you feel close to your loved ones during this special moment of the year. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All. Enjoy This Winter Session With Meta Products.

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