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Social Media Marketing

Learn These Social Media Certification Courses Online

Learn These Social Media Certification Courses Online in 2020 - Social-Singam

Best Social Media Marketing Courses

In today’s fast-growing and highly-competitive digital world, social media providing valuable educational content is becoming essential to get people’s attention, and brand awareness and build an engaged audience for the business. According to the data provided by PwC, around 67% of consumers’ shopping behavior is mainly influenced by reviews and social media comments. So now all the companies invest so much time in social media and marketing.

Whether you are looking for a better job in a social media marketing agency, freelancing for other businesses, or building your own business you should acquire social media marketing skills to build your brand and leverage social media to attract a larger target audience. 

Social media certification courses are a great way for digital marketers to level up their skill sets. Earning a few extra certifications in social media marketing will boost your resume value rather than “I-read-this-online-somewhere”.

If you’re ready to start improving your social media marketing skills then search “social media marketing certification” on google, you will get tons of paid and free online social media marketing training courses available. So here we listed some of the best social media certification courses available online. 

Social Media Certification Hubspot 

This Hubspot free social media certification course is one the most valuable and trusted by many professionals and recommend to inbound marketers. This course contains 9 lessons with 40 videos that provide many tips, tricks, and ideas to help you improve your company’s social media. 

Cost: Free

Social Marketing Certification Hootsuite Academy

HootSuite is one of the recognized social media management and marketing tools and blogs that offer social media marketing certification courses by their marketing experts. This course covers everything about social media like setting up social media, optimize profile, growing your community audience, content marketing, and social media advertising strategy.

Cost: $199

Facebook Blueprint 

A Beginner’s Guide to Finding Images for Your Ads

Images play a major factor in Facebook ads. Users will be clicking or ignoring the ad depending upon the quality of the image. This Facebook Blueprint course covers all the best practices for creating and publishing images for Facebook ad campaigns. The course tips can be very useful for you and you can also apply them to every social media broadly.

Cost: Free

Perks: This course provides a list of image editing apps that can help you improve images and videos.


How to Create an Ad on Facebook 

This course contains eight two-minute video sections with three key elements of a Facebook ad course. It helps to review your ad formats and provides creative options for awesome ad creation.

Cost: Free

Instagram for Business 

This Facebook beginner-level course about Instagram for business introduces provides an overview of how to manage a business account on Instagram. This 10 minutes video will teach you all the basics, from how to create a business account, how to get more views on Instagram, followers increase tips and Insights.

Cost: Free

Get Started with the Facebook Family of Apps and Services 

If you’re new to Facebook for Businesses, this 15-minute beginner’s course is very essential. This online class covers Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network too.

Cost: Free

Twitter Flight School Courses 1 & 2

Twitter’s official training platform currently offers two courses for social media advertisers.

  • Twitter Video Advertising Campaign Basics.
  • Twitter Video Advertising Foundations.

If you’re planning to launch a video campaign on this platform, these multi-module courses are very useful.

Cost: Free

The Quickstart Guide to YouTube – YouTube Creators

Learn everything about YouTube basics, how to start YouTube Channel, brand your channel, and get more YouTube video views with this online video course. These four lessons include a learning component, a hands-on task, and a quiz about this course.

If your brand relies on YouTube video promotions, this course offers various templates, creator tools, and guidelines for evaluating your channel’s content strategy, audience engagement, insights, and discovery.

Cost: Free

Perks: Even if you’re not having an account on YouTube, video creators will be able to apply this course’s framework and tips across other social platforms. Candidates receive a letter of completion after passing the exam with 75% or higher.


Introduction to Social Media Strategy

Offered by: Skillshare

Created by: Buffer

Topics include:

  • Getting started with social media
  • Creating content
  • Curating content
  • Using the right marketing tools
  • Paid advertising strategy

About this course: 

This 45-minute, social media strategy course will help you to create a solid foundation for your business or brand on social media. If you’re looking to promote a brand, increase website traffic, or drive sales this simple social media strategy course will achieve your goals on Facebook and Twitter. 

Social Media Marketing Specialization

This course is designed by Northwestern University for marketing professionals like social media managers, freelancers, and executives who want to develop their knowledge in social media strategy.

It consists of 6 modules along with a creative project. If you complete all the required modules with a test, you can get a certificate from Northwestern University. This certificate will add weight to your resume and LinkedIn.

  1. What is Social Media?
  2. The Importance of Listening
  3. Engagement & Nurture Marketing Strategies
  4. Content, Advertising & Social IMC
  5. The Business of Social Media
  6. Social Marketing Capstone Project

The cost of this course is $49/month including writing the tests and getting the certification but you have to choose the option to “Audit The Course” and get access to all the instructional content for learning. 

Introduction to Social Media Advertising

Offered by: Skillshare

Created by: Buffer

Topics include:

  • Demystifying key terms and vocabulary
  • Setting campaign goals
  • Targeting audience segments
  • Developing compelling copy and visuals
  • Optimizing campaigns for business success

About this course:

This certification course will cover everything about social media ads. This introductory class is perfect for professional marketers, brands, small business owners, freelancers, and those who are interested to do paid social advertising. At the end of this course completion, you’ll be ready to run your first social media campaign that connects with your target customers, convert into leads, and drive traffic for long-term business success! 

What Is Social?

Offered by: Coursera

Created by: Northwestern University

Topics include:

  • Social trends
  • Defining target audiences
  • Data analysis

About this course:

“What Is Social?” is a massive open online course (MOOC) for business owners, executives, and social media marketing professionals who want to extensively improve their skills and abilities to grow their social media strategy using effective and proven methodologies. In short, it’s an awesome, action-based intro to social media. This is the first in a six-course specialization offered by Northwestern University.

Social Media Monitoring

Offered by: Udemy

Created by: Eric Schwartzman

Topics include:

  • Keyword filtering
  • Google related searches
  • Using Google Alerts and their benefits
  • Identifying influencers and content curation possibilities
  • Monitoring strategies for Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.

About this course:  

This free social media course is on how to monitor your social media profile analytics data. Whether you’re a beginner in social media or a seasoned expert, this course has actionable social monitoring takeaways for people who want to improve their skill levels. It gives an overview of the different social media monitoring tools available in the market, and tips for it your own social media training program.

The Business of Social

Offered by: Coursera

Created by: Northwestern University

Topics include:

  • Discovering where social media “fits in”
  • How to execute social media to real business results
  • Managing a successful social media campaign and tracking insights. 

About this course:

This “The Business of Social” course is mainly for business owners, marketers, and social media managers who looking to apply social media marketing to their businesses. This course gives more focus on how to generate leads on social media and measure the investments in terms of time, cost, and opportunities rather than creating great good content. 

Social Media Ethics

Offered by: Coursera

Created by: Eric Schwartzman

Topics include:

  • Use polite comments on social media for work
  • Ethical behavior on social media
  • Demonstrating consideration for others on social media

About this course:

Have you ever thought about how to use social media ethically and effectively? This free course on “Social Media Ethics” provides the framework for social networking and engaging your audience in ethical conversations online for all professionals and employees by following local, State, and Federal laws.

Advanced Social Media Marketing for Picking up Clients

Offered by: Udemy

Created by: Brian Yang

Topics include:

  • Common social media myths and mistakes
  • The art of using Facebook Groups
  • Attracting YouTube subscribers and creating engaging videos
  • Creating quality (not spammy) content for social media

About this course: 

The tagline for this social media class is “picking up clients with social media in 48 hours or less.” This course won’t tell the old-school method of beginner tactics like how to set up social media accounts and posting tips. This course will teach you how to use these social media channels and pick up clients.

Social Media Quickstarter

Offered by: Constant Contact

Created by: Constant Contact

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat And more!

About this course: 

This free social media certification course from Constant Contact is a great resource for those who are looking to dive into the world of social media world. It offers a step-by-step guide to knowing almost every social media platform you can think of. For those unsure, if social media is right for you or your business, this class is a great way to polish your brain and provide more information about social media marketing. 

Learn these social media certification courses online and become an expert in your industry.

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