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How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts From Cyber Attacks?

Social Media Security Tips

Social Media Cyber Security

In today’s world, social media platforms are crucial for individual as well as business needs whether it’s in the form of managing your social media business pages on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube channel, or anything else. 

The threat of cyber-attacks is growing in recent years through social media, and the damage that they cause is increasing at an alarming rate. Hackers are constantly searching for new ways to attack websites and steal information. It’s not surprising that every year millions of people’s social media accounts get compromised by hackers and they lose all of their hard-earned followers and credibility online. Once a vulnerability has been identified, hackers can exploit it to infiltrate a website and take control of its data.

In this article, we will give you a few hard tips on how to protect your social media accounts from hackers to hack your accounts.

Scams in Social Media Accounts

Scamming is a common thing, but what makes this one unique? It’s someone who knows exactly how to manipulate people into giving away their personal information. In other words, he’s using his skills to get others to fall victim to his schemes.

Phishing scams are a common way to steal your personal information. You may have seen the warning that pops up on your computer screen when you try to access a website or download an email attachment. It’s not just for hackers anymore —it’s a tactic that anyone can use.

Social media vulnerabilities are another big problem that we face today. For example, many social media accounts are being used by scammers to spread malicious content. These include fake news sites, blogs, Twitter accounts, WhatsApp messages, and even Facebook groups.

Popular Phishing Scams

The first one is Social Engineering Attacks. Nowadays, many companies use social engineering techniques to gather sensitive information such as usernames and passwords. This includes things like phishing scams, fake websites, and even text messages.

Other phishing attacks include sending emails that look like they come from a bank or online retailer. Once you open the email, it asks you to log in to confirm your details. After that, the attacker gets all of your banking credentials.

Another type of attack involves pretending to be someone else. An attacker could pretend to be a friend or family member trying to warn you about suspicious activity on your social account. He could also pretend to be a law enforcement official and threaten legal action if you don’t comply.

Social Media Platforms and Ransomware 

Ransomware is yet another threat that comes along with social media. It’s a type of malware that locks down your device so that you can’t access anything unless you pay a ransom.

Ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent. In 2019 alone, ransomware attacks increased by over 30%. Most of these attacks were targeted at small businesses.

Social media platforms combat fake info by using algorithms to detect and remove it. But they’re not perfect, and that means there are always going to be some false positives.

Facebook says that its fact-checkers only catch less than 1% of the total number of misleading claims. That means 99% of the time, the post stays online. And that’s why we need to take extra precautions.

To Check Facebook Account Hacked or Not – https://www.facebook.com/hacked 

If your company relies on social media, we have to make sure that our employees know how to spot fake social media profiles and links, and how to avoid falling prey to them. We must teach them how to protect themselves and their families against cyberattacks.

And finally, we must make sure that our customers are aware of the dangers associated with social media. They should understand that when they share something online, they’re putting themselves at risk.

Social Media Phishing Attack – What Is It

social media phishing attack is an attempt to trick you into giving up your personal information or money. This happens when someone uses the same tactics as real email services to try to get you to click on links or open attachments. Social media sites are also used by hackers to spread malware and viruses.

Simple Ways to Keep Yourself Safe Online

Social Media is a great way to connect with people and share your thoughts. But, it can also be used by cybercriminals to steal money or breach your personal information in public. 

The work a business has put into their social media accounts could be gone in an instant if their accounts get hacked. This gives the worst feeling to social media managers and business owners and sometimes its spoils the brand name especially if inappropriate content is being posted on the timeline or feeds. With this, businesses may have to delete their social accounts altogether and start from scratch.

Social Media Safety Tips

Photo Credits To – JonnyShannon

Tips to Protect Your Social Media Accounts From Hackers

Be careful where you type in your password. If you use the same password across multiple websites, then you make it easier for hackers to gain access to all of them. Instead, create unique passwords for each site. Also, don’t forget to change your passwords regularly.

Use strong passwords – Hackers are constantly trying to crack weak passwords. So, always choose long, random passwords that contain numbers, special characters, and letters. You should never reuse any of your passwords for all your social media network accounts and emails.

Don’t click on suspicious links – If you receive an email that looks like it came from a friend or family member but contains a link that says “Click here to download something,” don’t do it! These emails could be part of a larger scam.

Installed Trusted Apps – Only install apps from trusted sources such as the App Store and Play store. When you first sign up for a new app, you might have to enter your credit card number. Make sure you only accept the terms and conditions after reading through them carefully.

Follow Known and Trusted Profiles  – Don’t follow or accept requests from unknown accounts blindly to increase social media followers. Do your research before clicking “Accept.” Many hackers and scammers create fake accounts that look real to lure people in so they can steal your personal data.  

Also, Read – How To Unfollow Inactive Twitter Accounts

Turn off pop-up windows – Some websites will automatically start showing you ads when you visit them. While it may seem convenient, most of these ads are annoying. Plus, they can track your browsing habits, which makes it easy for hackers to learn more about you.

Keep your social media apps updated – Most companies offer automatic updates for their products. However, if you aren’t sure whether or not you’ve installed the latest version, just look online. There are many ways to find out.

Create two-factor authentication– Two-factor authentication adds another layer of protection to your social media sites. It requires both a username/password combination AND a code sent via text message or generated using a device such as Google Authenticator.

Watch out for fake alerts – Hackers sometimes set up fake websites that appear to be from popular social networks. For example, Facebook has recently been targeted by scammers who created pages designed to look exactly like those of the social networking giant. The goal was to trick users into giving away their personal data.

Also, Read – 533 Million Facebook Users’ Personal Data Leaked Online

Install Antivirus Software – Many internet service providers (ISPs) will provide free and paid antivirus software for both mobile and desktop versions to protect your social media apps and other files from hackers. I would suggest going with the pro version, but if you’re on a tight budget the free version is better than no protection at all.

We hope you’ll love these tips and if you found this article helpful please share it with your friends and family.

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