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March 25, 2025

Helpful Tips and Tricks Inside Facebook Messenger


More than 1.3 billion Facebook account holders use Facebook Messenger every month to stay in touch with their family and friends which is only second to WhatsApp (1.6 billion). Facebook Messenger is full packed messaging app that provides all features to their users to connect their friends and family in all possible ways. Regularly Facebook updated its messenger and other applications.

Facebook Messenger Tips and Tricks

Here we listed some of the best tricks and tips of Facebook Messenger that should know before you use the Messenger app next time to chat.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have the latest version of the Facebook Messenger App, which can easily be downloaded from the iOS app store and the Android google play store.

Message Delivery and Read Status

When you send a message through Facebook Messenger, you can easily identify the status of those messages, the same as WhatsApp application.

When you see, Open blue circle – that means your message is being sent to the recipient. Open blue circle with a checkmark – our message has been sent. A Filled blue circle with a checkmark – indicates that your message has been delivered, though the recipient may not have read it yet. If you see a small profile picture of the profile owner, then the recipient has read the message. 

A red circle indicates that your message was failed to send. It may be network connection issues.

How to make a voice or video call

You can make a voice or video call by simply tap the phone icon in the top-right corner of the messenger for a normal voice call or the video icon next to it for a video call. While making a call, connect your device to Wi-Fi for a clear voice without any disturbance, but if you’re making a call through a cellular network, then sometimes the voice is not clear. 

How to send an audio message

If the person you want to talk to isn’t online, you can always send an audio/voice message for them to listen to later. All you need to do is tap the microphone icon on Facebook messenger. Long press the red button to record your message and then send it to your contact.

How to Send Photo or Video

If you prefer to send a photo or a video to your Facebook contact, then tap the camera icon. Open the camera on the Facebook app and take a photo or record video to send. You can also add special effects and masks through this feature.

Facebook “My Day” Story

After Snapchat, Facebook has added a feature called “Messenger My Day,” which lets you share updates with all your Facebook friends at once. Those updates are like Snapchat, disappear after 24 hours.

To add a photo to your Day, open your Messenger app and select Add to your day. Then, take a photo or video, and tap the arrow key in the bottom right-hand corner. You’ll then choose whether to only add the item to your day or also send it to your friends directly and also add it to the camera roll.

Facebook Chatbot

Facebook chatbot feature is one of the best and most innovative, which are works on algorithms that you can interact with instead of talking to an actual human. This is helpful for users in getting news, facts, sports updates, and weather updates instantly. Facebook messenger users can search for a bot directly in the search box.

Emojis, GIFs, and Stickers

Quick reply icon – One of the quickest and easiest ways to respond to a message is to tap the blue thumbs-up icon. Now you can make your thumbs-ups as big as you’d like by holding tight on thumbs-ups icon. You can also choose your favorite emoji to replace thumbs-up and users can able to enlarge this emoji just like the thumbs-up icon.

Add Gifs – GIFs can be ideal for conveying how you feel through images without text. Facebook Messenger taps into various GIF search engines to get you the perfect result. To add a GIF to your conversation, just click the emoji icon in the textbox, now search for a GIF that you want and then send that’s it.

Add Sticker – If you want to send a sticker in a message, then tap the smiley face icon. The stickers are classified into various sections, so you can enter specific terms to search and find the exact stickers that you want. If you don’t find the sticker that what you’re looking for, then you click the plus icon on the right to get into stickers store for more options.

Send balloons – If you want to send ballons on flying in the messenger, just open the emoticons and choose the light bulb icon and you’ll find a balloon emoticon. When you send it, thi will trigger an animated burst of balloons for your recipient. You can also able to see the animation of ballons when you click to send.

Share Location – If you want to share your current location in real-time, then simply open a conversation with a contact or group of contacts, tap the plus icon, and click on Location. Then tap Share Live Location, and the recipient will see your real-time location for the next 60 minutes. 

Set Nickname 

If you prefer to use a nickname for a special person in a conversation, then you can simply click on their name at the top of a conversation and type Nicknames that you want to set a nickname for that person.

Change Conversation Color  

You can also change the conversation color based on your wish. From the same menu where you set a nickname, you can select the color field. This will change the color of your conversation with that person. So that you can differentiate if that person is a business or a personal contact in Facebook Messenger.

Mute Chat Conversation 

Sometimes, especially in a group conversations, you’ll get too many notifications from friends. It’s annoying and checks them when your phone beeps. The Facebook messenger allows you can mute specific conversations easily. By simply tapping the name at the top in iOS or the “i” in the top right of the Android app. Afterward, tap Notifications and you’ll be presented with a host of options for muting the conversation based on time duration.

Check messages from non-friends

Facebook Messenger allows unknown persons to send messages. If you want to check, just click Message Requests near the top of the messenger. There you can read find messages if someone sents to you means you decide to accept or ignore them. 

Play Games

If you want to play games in Facebook Messenger, then click the plus icon on the left of the typing field and choose Games. You can find lots of games such as Snake, basketball, and Bat Climb to play and also challenge your friends.

How to send money in messenger

You can able to send money through messenger if you’re over 18 and lives in the United States. All you have to do is add a Visa or Mastercard to your Facebook Messenger account, then you can send money to anyone through the app. To add your card, just tap the plus icon, tap Payments, choose the amount you want to send and tap Pay. The receiving person also have to add a card to receive their money. You can also send money to a group of people at once. 

Request a Ride with Uber

Another superb feature is you can request Uber taxi through the Facebook messenger app. To book a uber ride, select the “…” icon and choose “transportation.” You’ll then be taken to Uber where you can request a ride and pay for it.

Dark Mode Option

Messenger’s dark mode feature provides less brightness while maintaining contrast and vibrancy. Dark mode cuts the glare from your phone for use in low light situations, so you can use the Messenger features nicely. To activate dark mode in Facebook messenger follow the below steps.

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app.
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top-left corner.
  3. Toggle Dark Mode on.

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