Snapchat is the US based photo, video, and messaging app created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, first released in 2011. Known for its unique...
Solar System feature on Snapchat A new Snapchat feature called ‘Solar System‘, part of its subscription service Snapchat+, allows users to see their position within...
What: The article covers the top 9 unique Snapchat trends that will dominate the space by 2024. It explores the specific features, filters, and functionality that...
Snapchat Parental Control Feature in India Snapchat is rolling out its initial set of parental control features for Indian users. Earlier in August, the popular...
Snapchat on Web Snapchat launched a new web app Snapchat+ which is in July for paid subscribers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia,...
Change Snapchat Username Very happy news for all Snapchatters! Yes, Snapchat announced a new update that will allow Snapchat users to change their usernames without...
Snapchat Rolls Out Birthdays Mini Birthdays are more special if your near and dear friends and family shared wishes with you. So that Snapchat recently...
What is Snapchat Trends? Snapchat recently launched a new market research tool called Snapchat Trends that highlights the most popular keywords shared with users in public stories....